Saturday, 10 August 2013

time to fly

Matt McCann is back in the picture and for his own reasons meaning sex anyway i have told Mitchell how i fell about him and why i love him so much which is a load off my shoulders haha just help filling some sort or need to have him with me in my life forever which is what every girl wants i think?.

josh oches has contacted me after two year non talking but why i mean why now? more questions for me to answer on my own i am starting to be scared of the unknown. what may happen.

me and Blake have dissed to start up and business to giver which might not be a bad thing but i am just considered about how i will deal with it all

if this dose hit off we could make this national and then international which means travelling and lots of money for me and my future kids.

i am tried to learn how to speak Spanish and so far not so good but getting their what i really want to do is became a actor and singer and make it big on my own i want to be more like Michelle Rodriguez aka letty aka rain aka she.

tried to find work is still hard theirs nothing happening here or going on anyways got to stay positive aye haha just cant hope to fell some sort of distany handed my way could just be me i don't know but what i do know is that i want to be with Mitchell bartley my prince charming my knight and shining armor my soul mate and my best friend. if he reads this i just want him to know he is my only one true love silly to say this but it is true to me and to my heart.

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