Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Pretty little liars

#EmisonEndGame idea

In season six of pretty little liars we saw Emily wanting to earn a few extra dollars by selling her own egg's. After Emily donated her egg's they were stolen by AD soon after Emily started receiving messages from AD.

By the looks of the bottom picture ft Emily and Hanna it look's like AD could be a male. I am thinking AD did use Emily's egg's but put them inside Alison. I know thinking about this is odd sick or weird but i got to get this out this has got me think for the past six months non-stop.

If this is true AD had to opportunity's 

Opportunity one:
When Alison was in the Hospital after falling down the stairs during her honeymoon with Dr Rollins aka Archer. Now with this one Alison was on heavy medication and thought she was talking to her mother via dream pushing Archer and Alison together. The hospital has all the equipment you would need to insert a sample in someone. Plus AD is good at getting in and out of places easy.

Opportunity two:

When Alison committed herself to Walby the same mental health place where Dr Rollins aka Archer worked for. We all saw Alison being roll out of her room on a bed and heading to a brightly lighted room. Yet another health place with the correct equipment to insert a sample within someone. Yet again Alison was on heavy medications so she wouldn't remember anything. 

I know this is wrong to think but AD like every other A or Uber A or Big A has had mental health issues and could be capable of going something like this 

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